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Jun 17, 2013

All About Mulch

When and how often do I mulch? What do I mulch with? How much do I use? Why do I mulch? What are the benefits or disadvantages of using a particular one?
A very good article by the RI Coop Extension will give you lots of tips, such as... 
Kinds of mulch: (Organic) Peat, Wood chips, Shredded wood, straw, Lawn clippings, Leaves, Pine needles, Coca bean hulls. (Inorganic) Plastic, Lava or crushed rock, Newspaper, Landscape fabric.
Benefits of a Mulch:
• Conserves soil moisture
• Moderates soil temperature by insulating the soil surface
• Reduces soil compaction caused by equipment and people
• Reduces soil erosion from wind or water
• Slowly increases soil fertility through decomposition (organic mulches only)
• Reduces incidence of disease by protecting above-ground plant parts from splashes that carry soil-borne inoculum
• Reduces fruit rot by eliminating contact between fruit and soil
• Reduces winter injury by minimizing temperature variation, reducing water loss in plants and decreasing heaving of plant crowns and roots
• Aids weed control
As you can see, there are many benefits of mulching. Not only does it make your landscaping and lawn look great, it is beneficial to your plants and lawn.  Contact us today and we can provide your mulching solution for your garden and lawncare!

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